Kinesiology professor, Dr. Carly Adams, shares her research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series along with a live Q&A (recorded in summer 2023) on the importance of oral history and lived experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
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Dean Matt Letts is pleased to announce that our students, faculty and staff can turn to a team of three talented Associate Deans
Dr. Trushar Patel is scheduled to share his research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series in the 2023/21 season. As an introduction to Trushar, we recorded a Q&A session on a biophysicist’s perspective on virus research.
A big misconception about philanthropy is that the only way to be philanthropic is to donate money. Learn how to start your own philanthropic journey with Jess's tips and tricks!
English professor, Dr. Goldie Morgentaler, shares her research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series along with a live Q&A (recorded in 2023) on how research on how Dickens can overlap with other fields in the humanities, especially Canadian history, translation and Jewish studies.
After some health struggles earlier in her life, Sheila turned to fitness. Now, the best part of her job is interacting with clients and being part of their health and fitness journey.
75th anniversary of first nuclear detonation topic of international exhibitions by Mary Kavanagh
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PUBlic Professor Series presents Dr. David Logue
Dr. David Logue is scheduled to share his research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series in the 2023/21 season. As an introduction to David, we recorded a Q&A session on avian communication, vocal interactions, and animal behavior.
Wellness is About Writing: Teri Hartman (BA/BEd '02, current MEd student)
I’ve learned over the years that compassion is the greatest indicator of wellness for me, and this includes empathy for not only others, but for myself. Writing has taught me the ultimate lesson in self-compassion.
Dr. Glenda Bonifacio is scheduled to share her research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series in the 2023/21 season. As an introduction to Glenda, we recorded a Q&A session on the interdisciplinary research on gender, migration, and post-disaster communities.
A Convocation Story: Sharing the Joy with Rita Lal (MEd '20)
"A very special happening took place that I would like to tell you about." Dr. Carmen Mombourquette, Faculty of Education
Wellness is Spending Time Outdoors: Dana Visser
What advice can you offer colleagues who may be having difficulty coping at this time? Be kind to yourself and show yourself grace. Take time to refocus your goals and intentions, and do what makes your mind and body feel well.
PUBlic Professor Series presents Dr. Amy Shaw
Dr. Amy Shaw shares her research as part of the PUBlic Professor Series along with a live Q&A (recorded in 2023) on Canadians in the South African War, bodies in the 19th century, and citizens in wartime and pandemics.
Five questions with Shining Graduate Dylan Nikkel BSc '20
Dylan Nikkel's most memorable uLethbridge experience was defending his Honours Thesis. It was both intense and immensely satisfying.
A talented Blackfoot nursing scholar, Chloe is committed to engaging in research and nursing practice that supports Indigenous health and well-being. Her outstanding qualitative thesis research project included the development of a unique Indigenous methodology based on Blackfoot ways of knowing.
Forging a friendship
An off-chance meeting on the first day of New Student Orientation (NSO) in 2015 led to a friendship that has sustained Nick Hassink (BSc ’19) and James Eaton (BSc ’20) throughout their undergraduate studies.
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uLethbridge sends convocation home with love
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Don’t discredit the electives: liberal education opens doors to new career opportunities for recent graduate
Sometimes the area of study that you start at university is not the career you end up in. Thanks to the flexible liberal education environment at the University of Lethbridge, exposure to new classes and ideas led to an inspiring new career for recent graduate Farah Rajan (BASc ’20).
University Wind Orchestra celebrates convocation 2023
Dr. Chee Meng Low, Director, and members of the Wind Orchestra bring the traditional tune to the Graduating Class of 2023, from their homes to yours.
Anna Bosgra (BMus ’20; tuba) was a stand out student in the Department of Music, noted by her instructors as a dedicated student who consistently achieved high grades and strove to ensure that her musical development put her on a level to be recognized outside of uLethbridge.
Gerald Rogers (BMus ’20; trombone) auditioned and was selected to be a participant in the 2023 National Youth Band of Canada and was selected as a participant in the Denis Wick Canadian Wind Ensemble.
Five questions with Shining Graduate and this Year's Recipient of the Gold Medal in Science Kate Chua BSc '20
Kate Chua, who has earned a BSc Neuroscience, has been awarded this year's Gold Medal (Science). The most important lesson she learned at uLethbridge is that it is important to allow yourself to make your own path and not one that is expected of you.